Resources background image

Dying to Know Day 2024

31st July 2024


Dying to Know Day Event

Supported by Mornington Peninsula Shire

Dying to Know Day 2024 Poster


Links to Resources and Support Organisations

Peninsula Health

Preparing the Way

Peninsula Home Hospice 

Stilwell in Health

Palliative Care - Victoria

Mornington Peninsula Shire - Community Services

Frankston City Council - Community and Health



Preparing the Way - What is an end of life doula?

Preparing the Way - Find an end of life doula

Preparing the Way - End of life doula training

Order a Free Copy (Guide to Palliative Care)

Order a Free Copy (Guide for Families & Friends)

Order a Free Booklet Copy (Palliative Caring in Victoria)

Order a Free Digital Book Copy (Palliative Caring in Victoria)

Griefline - VAD Support Groups

Griefline - Coping with Grief

Griefline - Anticipatory Grief

Griefline - Resources for Schools I

Grielfine - Resources for Schools II

Griefline - Loneliness & Social Isolation

Griefline - Ageing and Self-Compassion

Griefline - Older Adults: When Grief Won’t Heal

Griefline - Caring for Someone Who is Grieving


Grief & Bereavement


  • Griefline

Griefline is a national not-for-profit organisation committed to supporting Australians navigating loss and grief. Through the free programs and services they provide, they aim to normalise the grief experience by alleviating the pressure many feel to grieve in a certain way and within a set timeframe. They believe in the power of connection and compassion and will walk alongside you on your journey through grief.


  • Grief Australia

Providing everyone with the help they need, while fostering greater recognition and a deeper understanding of the grief experience, for all Australians.


  • National Association for Loss and Grief (NSW) Inc

The organisation continues to provide a service to individuals, families and communities through its Grief Support service and now has branches in Dubbo (Head Office), Mudgee, Hunter and Sydney (Telephone).


  • Lights Out

LightsOut provides a Grief Education Program designed to empower people by increasing their knowledge and awareness about dying, death, and grief.


  • National Centre for Childhood Grief is a charitable organisation to address the needs of bereaved children and young people aged 3 to 18 years.


  • The Compassionate Friends

One of the largest mutual support self-help bereavement organisations in the world. Our members understand the true pain that comes with the death of a son, daughter, brother, sister or grandchild, and this understanding comes from their own lived experience.


  • WINGS of Hope

WINGS of Hope stands for We Inspire New Growth After Suicide Loss.  WINGS of Hope was founded in 2007 and is a registered harm prevention charity. It aims to help those bereaved by suicide by reducing isolation and preventing harm.


  • StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide.


  • Motherless Daughters Australia

Our aim is to help women, girls, and families navigate the emotional distress and lifelong impact caused by the loss of their mothers. We believe that with the right support, guidance and resources, motherless daughters feel less alone and more supported in their life journey.


  • It’s Okay not to be Okay

Its mission is to advocate and create change in mental health, grief and suicide prevention. It’s okay, not to be okay was started in 2016 by us three grieving sisters who lost our brother Ben to suicide. It’s okay not to be okay is a registered charity that’s mission is to advocate and create change in mental health, grief and suicide prevention. We do this by running community events and providing gift packs for those bereaved by suicide, running social media campaigns through all platforms that increase mental health literacy and raising awareness about the support available. We also fund counselling sessions for those who might need help but not be able to afford to do so. We encourage people to wear our message which reduces stigma, starts conversations and normalises seeking help for your mental health.


  • Speak & Share - their vision is to become one of Australia’s most impactful Mental Health advocacy organisations that creates everlasting change in our community.


  • GriefLink provides information for people who are dealing with grief caused by the death of someone close to them, and for those who are supporting them.


  • Refuge in Grief

An interactive website providing “grief support that doesn’t suck”! Megan Devine, the creator of the website, has also written a book, created on-line courses and published podcasts - all available via the website. Megan is a psychotherapist with over 20 years in the field of grief.


  • Sands

Sands is a volunteer-based organisation providing individualised care from one bereaved parent to another, giving them support and hope for the future, following the death of a baby.


  • Thirrili

A not for profit organisation which aims to contribute to the broader social wellbeing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Thirrili provides emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.


  • MyGrief

Providing tools and resources to support bereaved people and provides practical strategies for families and friends on how to best support someone in the midst of their bereavement.


Baby, Child and Youth


  • Red Nose Grief and Loss & Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support)

To provide love, hope, understanding and support to families facing the devastating loss of their child.


To ensure all families who have lost a child have a feeling of ‘not being alone’ when leaving hospital with empty arms, and that they receive the support they need to navigate this difficult grief journey.


  • Bears of Hope

We provide support for families who experience the loss of their baby.


  • Love From Dad

Designed to be the website that I looked for as a dad, but could never find in the days after our daughter passed away in 2022.

A one stop shop full of resources to assist and help you find your feet in the days, weeks, months and years after the devastating loss of something so close to your heart, your child.


  • Bloss - Riverina Pregnancy & Baby Loss Support Inc

Bloss provides support to people who have experienced the loss of a baby, through pregnancy, stillbirth and neonatal loss. Bloss operates primarily in the Wagga Wagga NSW area but has links across the Riverina area & Murrumbidgee Local Health District to provide support.


  • Gidget Foundation

Gidget Foundation Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to support the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents to ensure they receive timely, appropriate and specialist care.


  • Pink Elephants

Pink Elephants provides the latest resources, information and peer-support for anyone impacted by early pregnancy loss.


  • Rebecca Jane Foundation

Provide a simple but beautiful farewell to babies between the ages of 20 weeks gestation (or registered birth) and one year of age, where their parents will incur a significant financial impact by providing a farewell for their angel baby.


  • PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia

Supports the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood.


  • Children by Choice

Our counselling team offers decision making counselling, evidence-based information on pregnancy options, referrals to health and support services, and post-abortion counselling and support, to clients across Queensland.


  • Stillbirth Foundation Australia

The Stillbirth Foundation Australia was established in 2005 to raise funds to reduce the incidence and impact of stillbirth through researcheducation and advocacy.


  • Birthline Pregnancy Support Inc 

Our Vision is that anyone wanting to talk about pregnancy related issues or pregnancy loss can readily access emotional support through compassionate, confidential, non-judgmental and cost-free services.


  • Alannah & Madeline Foundation

We champion and strengthen the rights of children and young people to live free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play.


  • Lionheart Camp for Kids 

We are a not-for-profit organisation empowering bereaved children and families to navigate their grief journey through education, peer-support, strength-building and resilience.


  • Feel the Magic is an Australian charity providing early intervention grief education programs for kids aged 7 to 18, who are experiencing pain and isolation due to the death of a parent, guardian, or sibling.


  • Wombat’s Wish is a grassroots not-for-profit organisation based in Drysdale, Victoria. We are community-focused, with programs and services that are therapeutic and evidence-based.

Our mission is to support children and young people after the death of their parent/carer, with our outreach encompassing the entire state of Victoria, Australia.


  • Red Kite are childhood cancer support specialists.

You can talk to us about anything and everything. Our support is flexible, confidential and free to anyone connected to a child with cancer. You can connect with us whenever and however works best for you, and for as long as you want or need.


For children and young people aged 5 to 25. 


  • Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation.

Provide early intervention mental health services to 12-25-year-olds. 


  • National Centre for Childhood Grief

A charitable organisation to address the needs of bereaved children and young people aged 3 to 18 years.


  • Canteen 

Canteen supports 12-25 year-olds dealing with their own diagnosis, a close family member’s cancer or the death of a loved one. Our services also now extend to parents, because when they cope better with cancer and communicate openly, their children are likely to experience less distress and anxiety.


  • MacKillop Seasons

MacKillop Seasons evidence-based programs build knowledge and capacity of professionals to provide a safe space for children, young people and adults to learn knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond to experiences of change, loss and grief. We help build the wellbeing and resilience of schools and communities following adversity.



  • Redkite
    Offers financial, emotional, and educational support for people with cancer aged up to 18, as well as their families and networks. / 1800 592 410


  • Cancer Council Australia

Cancer Council Australia is Australia’s leading cancer charity, and the only Australian charity working across every aspect of every cancer, from research to prevention and support.


Australian Capital Territory -

North South Wales -

Northern Territory -

Queensland -

South Australia -

Tasmania -

Victoria -

Western Australia -


  • The Willow Tree Foundation

Supporting families in making social, emotional and spiritual end of life plans for their child, adolescent or young adult is the focus for The Willow Tree as we grow. We work alongside family members and / or service providers to best manage and provide appropriate support to their family member or client.




We are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. We exist so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.


Your mental health is important. Some days are better than others and we all need a helping hand from time to time.


  • Solace 

We provide grief support for those grieving over the death of their partner


  • Open Arms

For free mental health support and resources, Open Arms is available to veterans and their immediate families. Call them 24/7 on 1800 011 046 or visit the Open Arms website.


MensLine Australia is a free telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.


  • Gotcha4Life 

Gotcha4Life’s mission is to inspire and enable people to take action to build their mental fitness. 
Our vision is a suicide-free world, where no one worries alone.


Suicide Call Back Service is a free nationwide service providing 24/7 phone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.


Head to Health helps all Australians access the mental health and wellbeing services that are right for them. It makes it easier to navigate and choose the most suitable care options, whether that’s face-to-face, via phone, or online.


We’re A Not-For-Profit Organisation Based In NSW Dedicated To Helping Support Families Of Homicide Victims.


  • Amber Community (formerly Road Trauma Support Services Victoria)

We provide counselling and support to people affected by road trauma and address attitudes and behaviours of road users through education.


  • Support After Suicide

Our mission is to support those bereaved by suicide: providing resources and services for individuals and professionals.


Victims of Crime Support Agencies


Queensland -

Canberra -

New South Wales -

Tasmania -

Northern Territory -

Western Australia -

South Australia -


  • Compassionate Communities Australia

Weaving compassion and connection across Australia as we live, die, grieve and care for each other. Compassionate Communities grow connectedness and compassion, working together, to create a supportive environment for those in need.



End-of-life planning & Palliative Care


  • Palliative Care Australia (PCA)

    Palliative Care Australia (PCA) is the national peak body for palliative care, representing all those who work towards high quality palliative care for all Australians who need it. 

    Purpose - Palliative Care Australia leads a unified voice to strengthen our collective impact towards excellence in palliative care.

    Vision - We see a world where quality palliative care is available for all, when and where they need it.

    PCA believes high quality palliative care should be available and accessible to people living with a life-limiting illness when and where they need it.  

    Working closely with consumers, its Member Organisations and the palliative care workforce, PCA aims to improve access to, and promote the need for, palliative care. 

    PCA advocates for system improvements, provides a range of tools and resources free of charge to the Australian public and health workforce, and also offers the National Palliative Care Services Directory from its website


Opioid medicines are pain relievers. They include medicines such as codeine, morphine and oxycodone. Knowing the facts and helping to unravel a few myths, will help you understand opioid medicines.

Facts about morphine and other opioid medicines in palliative care 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (people)

What Matters Most for Older Australians

What Matters Most for Older Australians 

Working out what’s right for you 


Moments That Matter

The Moments That Matter campaign shares stories of people who have experienced palliative care. 


Discussing Choices – Indigenous Advance Care Plans – A Learning Resource (a video)

On the remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, local Health Centre professionals have had success by working respectfully with the local Anindilyakwa people, empowering them to express their end-of-life wishes by outlining the various aspects of an Advance Care Plan in a culturally safe and appropriate way. With the endorsement of Elders, many community members have completed an individual Advanced Care Plan.


  • CareSearch is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Palliative care evidence and tools for health professionals and information about death and dying for the whole community.

    This site has great resources about some of the diverse populations in Australia and why palliative care matters for them.


  • The Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA) leads the Australian Government’s national program to improve organ and tissue donation, so more Australians have access to a transplant. This is done in partnership with state and territory governments, DonateLife teams, hospitals, health specialists and the community.

    The OTA works in collaboration with the DonateLife Agency in each state and territory and the specialist donation medical, nursing and support staff, who deliver the nationally consistent program. They make up the DonateLife Network.



Established in 2009, the OTA operates under the Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Act 2008 (the Act). The OTA is an independent statutory agency within the Australian Government Health portfolio.


Find your local DonateLife Agency

The Australian Government, through the OTA, provides funding to state and territory governments to deliver donation services consistent with the national program.

Each state and territory have a DonateLife agency; a clinical leadership team; and hospital-based medical and nursing donation specialist staff. Agency staff also include educators, communication officers, donor family support officers, and data and audit personnel. These teams are referred to as the DonateLife Network.


The DonateLife Network includes:


  • 8 DonateLife agencies across Australia.
  • more than 275 DonateLife staff (150 full-time equivalent positions)
  • 150 full-time equivalent positions
  • covering over 90 hospitals.


Contact DonateLife ACT - General enquiries!

The Canberra Hospital
Building 12, Level 3, Room 007, Yamba Drive, Garran ACT 2605

PO Box 11, Woden ACT 2606

Phone: (02) 5124 5625
Fax: (02) 5124 2405



Contact DonateLife NSW - General enquiries.

Level 6, 4 Belgrave St, Kogarah NSW 2217

PO Box 486, Kogarah NSW 1485

Phone: (02) 8566 1700

Fax: (02) 8566 1755



Contact DonateLife NT

Level 1, Red Wing, (Building 4)

Royal Darwin Hospital, Rocklands Drive, Tiwi NT 0810

PO Box 41326, Casuarina NT 0811

Phone: (08) 8922 8349

Fax: (08) 8944 8096



Contact DonateLife Queensland - General enquiries.

Building 1, Level 4, Princess Alexandra Hospital, 199 Ipswich Road, Woolloongabba QLD 4102

Phone: (07) 3176 2350

Fax: (07) 3176 2999



Contact DonateLife SA - General enquiries.

Ground Floor, Allianz Centre, 55 Currie Street, Adelaide SA 5000

PO Box 287, Rundle Mall SA 5000

Phone: (08) 8207 7117

Fax: (08) 8207 7102



Contact DonateLife TAS - General Enquiries

Hobart Corporate Centre,

Level 3, 85 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000

GPO Box 1236, Hobart TAS 7001

Phone: (03) 6270 2209

Fax: (03) 6270 2223



Contact DonateLife Victoria - General enquiries

Level 2, 19–21 Argyle Place South, Carlton VIC 3053

Phone: (03) 8317 7400 or 1300 133 050 (toll free)

Fax: (03) 9349 2730



Contact DonateLife WA - General enquiries.

Hawthorn House, 100 Flinders Street, Mt Hawthorn WA 6016

PO Box 332, Northbridge WA 6865

Phone: 1800 950 155

Fax: 1800 950 199



  • Advance Care Planning Australia 
    A national program funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, enabling Australians to make the best choices for their future health and care.


Understand advance care planning 

Advance care planning explained, the advance care planning process and starting the conversation.


Advance care planning explained

Advance care planning involves planning for your future health care and communicating your treatment preferences.


Australia Capital Territory -
New South Wales -
Northern Territory -
Queensland -
South Australia -
Tasmania -
Victoria -
Western Australia -
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples -


  • Go Gentle

Go Gentle was founded in 2016 by broadcaster Andrew Denton. We are a charity working nationally to promote choice at the end of life, including the option of voluntary assisted dying.

Our vision is an Australia where we all are empowered to choose the end-of-life care that is right for us. We have been instrumental in passing voluntary assisted dying laws in all six states.


Better off Dead

In Season 1, Andrew Denton investigated the stories, moral arguments and individuals woven into discussions about why good people are dying bad deaths in Australia – because there is no law to help them.

In Season 2, Andrew Denton picks up where his ground-breaking podcast Better Off Dead left off five years ago, with an investigation into the first year of Victoria’s landmark voluntary assisted dying law.


  • Voluntary Assisted Dying South Australia

Voluntary Assisted Dying South Australia (VADSA) was formed to lobby, campaign and advocate in South Australia for the health benefits of legal voluntary assisted dying.



Queensland -

South Australia -

Tasmania -

Victoria -

Western Australia -


  • Dying With Dignity 

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) care navigators (or equivalent roles) exist in most states and territories to provide support and advice for people accessing or seeking to access VAD, their families and carers, and health professionals.


Queensland Inc (DWDQ) -

Tasmania -



Victoria -

Western Australia -


  • The Northern Territory Voluntary Euthanasia Society (NTVES)

 The Northern Territory Voluntary Euthanasia Society (NTVES) is a dying-with-dignity and voluntary euthanasia society based in Darwin, Northern Territory.


  • The Australian Patients Association (APA)

The Australian Patients Association (APA) is an independent not-for-profit organisation dedicated to championing and protecting the rights and interests of patients, improving the patient experience and their health outcomes. Our main roles are providing patient advocacy, information and support.


  • Dying to Know Day
    Dying to Know Day is an annual campaign that empowers all adult Australians to be strong self-advocates for their own personal planning when it comes to their future.


Helping nurses care for older people who have a disease or illness that cannot be cured or who are becoming frail.


Empowering and equipping family caregivers with the resources they need and deserve.


  • Carers Australia
    Carers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia’s unpaid carers, advocating on their behalf to influence policies and services at a national level.


  • End-of-Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC):
    ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians. ELDAC is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.


  • Carer Gateway
    Practical information, resources, and counselling for carers.  / 1800 422 737


  • Carer Help
    Information for people caring for someone at end of life.  



  • Willow EOL Education Program

Be at the forefront of the end-of-life education and planning revolution. The Willow EOL Educator Program gives you access to Willow’s expanding end-of-life education and planning tools and products, including detailed scripts for at least 10 virtual workshops, advance-care-planning and coaching tools, as well as marketing support, and professional and business development. Jacqui Williams, a Preparing the Way Trainer, leads Willow in Australia. Jacqui can be contacted at


  • End of Life Doula Directory

An independently run directory especially for end-of-life doulas / consultants. The purpose is to help clients find the support they need through a comprehensive listing of end of life doulas in Australia.


  • Conversations about Death

Conversations about Death boldly explores and challenges the denial, fear and avoidance that so often stand between us and a meaningful end of life. This book offers truly holistic advice about the end of life.


  • The Bottom Drawer Book

The Bottom Drawer Book is an after-death action plan. Your ideas, funeral plans, and your life’s reflections will sit quietly in its pages until they’re needed.


  • The Art of Being a Healing Presence

Jim Miller teamed with hospice chaplain Susan Cutshall to create a book about how to be with others in a way that's compassionate, nurturing, healing, and potentially even transforming.


  • Dying to be Me

In Dying to Be Me, Anita freely shares all she has learned about illness, healing, fear, 'being love,' and the true magnificence of each and every human being!


  • The Five Invitations

The Five Invitations show us how to accept and embrace dying in the midst of a death-denying era and explain how death can be the guide we need to wake up fully to our lives.


  • A Better Death

With an emphasis on advocacy, leaving a legacy, and staying true to our deepest convictions, Dr Srivastava tells stories of strength, hope and resilience in the face of grief, and offers an optimistic meditation on living and dying well.


  • Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart

Explaining the important difference between grief and mourning, this book explores every mourner's need to acknowledge death and embrace the pain of loss.


  • ABC Everyday

Planning ahead for this event allows you to have a say in everything, from what song is played at your funeral, to what happens to your body and your stuff when you’re gone.

How to prepare for your own death


The idea of sitting with someone who is dying, particularly when they’re someone you care about, is something many of us find overwhelming.

How to sit with someone who's dying


  • ABC News

‘A lot of people are out there, not telling people their family member’s got dementia. They’re embarrassed and don’t want to believe it themselves.’

Carers of loved ones with dementia supported to navigate ‘tiring, isolating’ reality


  • Better Health Victoria

Every person is different and symptoms experienced at end of life vary.


  • Natural Death Advocacy Network

A growing Australian network and advocacy partnership of community facilitators, professionals, activists and educators working to enrich the experience of death and dying.


  • Dying in the 21 st Century

We can't control if we'll die, but we can "occupy death" in the words of Dr. Peter Saul. He calls on us to make clear our preferences for end of life care - and suggests two questions for starting the conversation.

Let's talk about dying - Peter Saul


  • I help people die for a living

On this week's episode of For A Living, we focus on Alua Arthur, who calls herself a Death Doula. She helps people prepare for death physically, mentally, and spiritually at Going With Grace. Check out this episode of For A Living to see how she does it!

I Help People Die For A Living - Refinery29


  • Being Mortal

FRONTLINE follows renowned New Yorker writer and Boston surgeon Atul Gawande as he explores the relationships doctors have with patients who are nearing the end of life. In conjunction with Gawande’s new book, Being Mortal, the film investigates the practice of caring for the dying and shows how doctors — himself included — are often remarkably untrained, ill-suited and uncomfortable talking about chronic illness and death with their patients.

Being Mortal | FRONTLINE


  • Assisted Dying at the National Press Club

The pain of watching the slow death of his Denton Press Club beloved father, Kit Denton, prompted renowned broadcaster Andrew Denton to establish an advocacy group for voluntary assisted dying called Go Gentle Australia. In 2015, he produced a podcast which examined why more than 70 percent of Australians supported making voluntary assisted dying legal.

Andrew Denton on Assisted Dying at the National Press Club


  • How to do a ‘Good Death’

In this moving and poignant talk, Jane relates her experience of helping her husband have a "good death" and what she learnt from the process - and how it can help us all prepare for that 100% chance - the chance that we might die some day.

How to do a Good Death - Jane Duncan Rogers


  • What does a Death Doula do?

People are often curious about my work as a death doula. They want to know how I got started in this field, what my work with clients looks like, and how I structure my practice. I’ll address all these issues and more in this live video.

What does a Death Doula do? - Dr. Sarah Kerr


  • Dying with an End of Life Doula

For a decade Mariana has provided home care services to elders and the disabled. Mariana provided many of the support services these people need to live fulfilling lives in their own home – often until their dying day. She believes we all need and deserve a kind companion to witness and usher in the process of dying.

Dying with an End of Life Doula - Mariana Luz


  • B.J. Miller

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Melbourne presents conversations with BJ Miller who is a triple amputee who found his calling in hospice and palliative care.

Conversation with BJ Miller


BJ Miller, MD reminds us to consider the fullest view of what it means to be human - from the messy, uncomfortable issues that arise around dying to the delight of being alive in our bodies - as a path to understanding the possibilities available to open to design for the end of life experience.

Reclaiming The End Of Life As A Human Experience


Living with Death

On today’s podcast we invited BJ Miller back to talk about death using as our guide his recent NY Times editorial What Is Death? How the pandemic is changing our understanding of mortality.

Living with Death: A Podcast with BJ Miller


At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it's simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a hospice and palliative medicine physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savour this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honour life.

What really matters at the end of life


  • What we can do to die well

The healthcare industry in America is so focused on pathology, surgery and pharmacology -- on what doctors "do" to patients -- that it often overlooks the values of the human beings it's supposed to care for. Palliative care physician Timothy Ihrig explains the benefits of a different approach, one that fosters a patient's overall quality of life and navigates serious illness from diagnosis to death with dignity and compassion.

What we can do to die well -Timothy Ihrig


  • The Truth Of It Video Series: Palliative Care

This was filmed as part of a series of unscripted videos called the ‘The Truth of It.’ Learn about patients’ and caregivers’ unique experiences as well as their common threads of emotions, coping and perspective.

The Truth Of It Video Series: Palliative care | Patient experience - Dr. Larry Librach


  • The Project – End of Life Doula Capture

Helen talks about the role of an End of Life Doula, helping people talk about and plan for their death.

The Project End of Life Doula capture - Helen Callanan


  • On Our Own Terms

Bill Moyers goes from the bedsides of the dying to the front lines of a movement to improve end-of-life care in On Our Own Terms: Moyers on Dying. Two years in production, this four-part, six-hour series crosses the USA from hospitals to hospices to homes to capture some of the most intimate stories ever filmed and the most candid conversations ever shared with a television audience.


  • Compassion and the true meaning of empathy

Buddhist roshi Joan Halifax works with people at the last stage of life (in hospice and on death row). She shares what she's learned about compassion in the face of death and dying, and a deep insight into the nature of empathy.

Compassion and the true meaning of empathy - Joan Halifax


  • TEDxHobart Talk 

Three steps into the heart of home funerals. It’s time to reclaim the care of our dead. Family-led funerals and home based death care have always been possible and they offer social, emotional and financial benefits to those who choose them.

Three steps into the heart of home funeral - Rebecca Lyons


  • Doula Connections

Doula Connections provides information on end-of-life doulas and how they can support you. 

Podcast Season 1 

Podcast Season 2 


End of Life Planning Form

A form for you to record your end of life wishes and preferences.


  • Dying Matters

Let’s talk about it.” Death and dying is one of those topics that’s just hard to talk about. We know that we will all have to face it one day, but we put that “difficult” conversation off until tomorrow.


  • Cake

Everything from your favourite songs to life-changing books can help you address your own feelings about a range of difficult topics. Podcasts can do the same. Whether they consist of practical advice about these topics, emotional conversations about them, or both, podcasts offer a convenient and enjoyable way to learn.


  • Rove & Sam Show

Radio Interview, Rove and Sam Show Hit 104.1 - Helen Callanan


  • Life and Beyond

Life & Beyond is a journal where you write down everything your family needs to know when you die. Death isn't an easy subject, although inevitable, many of us would like to think otherwise! You can fill out Life & Beyond at your leisure which will assist your family to organise the farewell you want, and will certainly help administer your estate.


  • Bottom Drawer Book

The Bottom Drawer Book is an after death action plan that contains lots of practical information for anyone who wants a say in their own farewell. Its brightly coloured illustrations and humorous text encourage thought and understanding of a topic that doesn’t have to be dark or confronting.


  • QUT

An Advance Care Directive is an instruction that a person makes now about their future medical treatment or health care in the event he or she loses capacity to make decisions. They are a useful tool that people can use to communicate their wishes, in advance, to their families, friends and health professionals.


  • Touchstone Life Care

Digital online advance care planning.


  • Australian Institute of Health and Welfare – CALD Populations

This video for health professionals explores the benefits of Advance Care Planning and how to discuss this with patients with different cultural and religious beliefs and attitudes. This video was the outcome of research South Eastern Sydney Local Health District undertook in 2016/17 with Greek, Mandarin and Cantonese communities exploring how we can improve Advance Care Planning with CALD communities. The research highlighted the need to use professional interpreters and bilingual health professionals to facilitate these conversations.

Advance Care Planning and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities


  • The Conversation

Talking about death and dying - can we be forced to live despite our wish to have our lives end at some natural point? What options do we have for having a say in how and when we are to die? Today we look at the main recourse for having a say in how our lives end.


  • Choice

With Australians living longer and sometimes facing a drawn-out decline, being clear about your future healthcare plans is more important than ever. But whether your end-of-life wishes will be honoured is another story. And this is where advance care directives (ACD) come in. We’re here to help you understand what an advance care directive is and the legality of an ACD.


  • The Groundswell Project

An emotional will is about your legacy, the things you want to convey in terms of your thoughts, values and memories. It is not a legal document and you are free to be creative with it!!


  • Your Life Assist

Whether you need immediate assistance or you’re planning for the future, our Free Online Advisory Service can assist. Our aim is to provide resources that inform, support and connect people, and to encourage greater participation and a wider range of choices in their decision-making about significant lifestyle transitions that may occur at any stage of life.


  • Your Life Talks

We talk about the weather, our weekend, sports and our holidays with ease… so why is it so difficult to talk about our life’s journey and our end of life wishes? Finding a way to start these discussions with someone special is usually the most challenging part.


  • End of Life Direction for Aged Care

ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians.


  • Older Persons Advocacy Network

OPAN offers a wide range of advocacy services for Australians and can help you understand and exercise your rights, access aged care services and solve aged care problems.


The HELP app can help you ‘take the lead’ and feel confident in coordinating the practical and emotional support a family needs when utilising palliative care.


The Postage empowers you to control your legacy and build your will-based estate plan in as little as 10 minutes.


Carers support

  • Carers Australia

Carers Australia is the national peak body representing Australia’s unpaid carers, advocating on their behalf to influence policies and services at a national level.


  • Carer Gateway is an Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.


  • CarerHelp supports carers supporting someone at end-of-life.


  • Young Carers Network.

The Young Carers Network (YCN) is a nationally coordinated resource to raise young carer awareness, provide information, and direct young carers to appropriate pathways for support.


Funeral support

  • Australian Funeral Directors Association

The Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA) mission is promote professional funeral standards within the funeral industry. 

AFDA member firms are chosen by the majority of families to provide funeral arrangements for their loved ones. AFDA is widely recognised by Governments, the media and industry suppliers as the authoritative voice on funeral matters in Australia and its key objective is to optimise the funeral experience and ensure quality delivery of service to the wider community by enhancing and promoting professional funeral standards.

For your own peace of mind, select a funeral director who is a member of the AFDA which requires its members to honour a strict code of ethics and conduct. The code is a reassurance to the community of sincere care and professional service, particularly at a time of uncertainty and distress for grieving family and relatives. AFDA member firms must also comply with the required standards for premises, equipment, and vehicles, and undertake continuing professional development annually.


  • Australian Home Funeral Alliance

The mission of the AHFA is for every person dying in Australia to have access to a home funeral. AHFA is the Australian national peak body for home funerals and family led death care. AHFA sits as a bridge between community and professional knowledge, advocating for evidence-based best practice standards and an increase of people's agency and capacity. By bringing together community and professional voices, AHFA aims to foster a healthier culture around death and dying.


  • Funeral Celebrants Association Australia (Inc)

Funeral Celebrants Association Australia (Inc) offers a support network for funeral celebrants, families, and members of the funeral industry.


  • Natural Death Advocacy Network

We provide individuals, families and communities with professional, creative and informed assistance to choose meaningful, humane and ecological pathways at the end of life.


  • Sustainable Funerals Group

The Sustainable Funerals Group is a collective of ethical, sustainable funeral service providers including Bereavement Assistance and Potters Field Funerals. 

Bereavement Assistance is a registered charity whose purpose is to ensure that all Victorians have access to professional, dignified funeral services no matter their circumstance.

Potters Field Funerals provides a more extensive range of services for people who want a meaningful end-of-life experience at a fair price. As a social enterprise, Potters Field Funerals donates to support the work of it’s charitable cousin, Bereavement Assistance. Families who chose a Potters Field Funeral benefit from a premium service with the satisfaction of knowing that their choice of ethical funeral provider helps others in need. 

Members of the Sustainable Funerals Group share a common commitment to provide goods and services that are socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. We are constantly seeking and developing products and processes that lighten the load on the environment, and the carbon footprint of every Sustainable Funerals Group funeral is offset through investment in Federal Government approved Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU's). 

In the near future, innovative new services including restoration natural burials and carbon positive cremations will take this commitment further. We will be providing families with a greater range of choices and moving beyond simply offsetting carbon to make active positive contributions to environmental restoration. Watch this space!


  • Bereavement Assistance

  • Potters Field Funerals


  • Tender Funerals 

A not-for-profit funeral service model that aims to ensure all Australians can access meaningful and affordable funerals.


  • Independent Funeral Directors Association of Australia Inc.

The Independent Funeral Directors Association of Australia Inc. was formed in 2020. The philosophy behind the forming of this association was simple, to represent the best interests of both family owned funeral homes and the public when dealing with changes to our industry.


  • National Funeral Directors Association

The National Funeral Directors’ Association has been a leading voice in the Australian funeral industry since 1995. The association aims to keep funeral directors up-to-date with developments and industry legislation as well as identifying emerging pathways to success for funeral directors.


  • Australian Federation of Civil Celebrant

The Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants Inc. (AFCC) is the largest national association of professional Celebrants with over 2,000 members providing professional celebrancy for ceremonies for all occasions.


Promoting civil ceremonies and celebrations for everyone. The Celebrants Network Inc members are marriage celebrants; memorial and funeral celebrants; family and naming celebrants, celebrants for all occasions.


  • Australian Cemeteries and Crematorium Association 

The Australasian Cemeteries & Crematoria Association (ACCA) is a non-profit professional organisation that exists to provide leadership, professional services and development, communication and networking platforms to the cemetery and crematorium industry.


  • Master Stone Masons Association Victoria

Purchasing a Memorial for a loved one is an emotional decision that requires serious thought and consideration at a time when you are under emotional stress. Our members will guide you through this process with integrity, compassion and professionalism.


The national representative body for Australian flower growers and florists.


  • Holistic End of Life and Deathcare Australia

Holistic End of Life and Deathcare Australia’s vision is to grow the holistic end of life, deathcare, after death and funeral care space in Australia.


  • Guide to green funerals in Australia

A green funeral (also known as a “green burial” or “natural burial”) is a funeral that seeks to make as little impact upon the environment as possible. For many Australians, having a green funeral is appealing as it’s a way to leave the world with minimal impact to the environment. It’s a trend that’s growing in popularity as shown by the increasing number of green burial sites across Australia.


  • Australian Natural Burial Project

The Australian Natural Burial Project is the expression of an idea and a vision shared by the Contributors – a recognition of the opportunity that exists right now in Australia to promote a movement that links meaningful end-of-life rituals with positive environment action.


  • Treading lightly in death: natural burials enriching on many levels

Arun Ramchand hears first-hand the many reasons people opt for natural burials within a cemetery. Mr Ramchand says concerns for future generations and the environment are key motivators for people opting for a natural burial.


  • Eco-burials

Although many families are considering alternatives to traditional burial practices, their decision usually comes down to a matter of cost. According to research by the Australian Funeral Directors Association, a funeral’s cost is considered more important than religion, life philosophy and culture.

Home funeral options on the rise as consumers think outside the box - ABC News


  • Natural Burial Grounds Fact Sheet

A natural burial ground is a designated piece of land set aside for the internment of bodies in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition but allows the body to be naturally recycled.


  • Environmental Impact of Funerals Infograph

TalkDeath, in collaboration with Keeper Memorials, recently launched an updated version of this infograph for 2021.


  • Natural Grace Holistic Funerals

We believe that providing the opportunity to choose what is right for you, your family, and the people you love is vital. We see from experience that genuine, honest engagement is the best way of honouring the dead and the pain of bereavement. We know that the law supports families who for instance, want to keep their deceased at home for a period of time – as well as many other traditional practices.


  • Natural Burial - Australia

Australian Capital Territory -  

North South Wales - 

Queensland - 

South Australia -

Tasmania - 

Victoria - 

Western Australia - 


An effortless live streaming platform for the most important moments of your life.


Helps plan a funeral, compare prices, read real reviews and book and pay online all from the comfort of your home.

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