WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following website may contain images and voices of deceased persons.

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and be Rewarded!

Sign up to be one of the first users of the Critical Info Platform when it’s released in early 2025 and receive a lifetime 10% discount.

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Join the Critical Info Community
and be Rewarded!

Sign up to be one of the first users of the Critical Info Platform when it’s released in early 2025 and receive a lifetime 10% discount.

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Get in touch

Hopefully we have answered some of your questions in our FAQs below. If not, send us an email.

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When is the Critical Info Platform going to be available?

The Critical Info Platform is currently under development and is due to launch in April 2025. Keep in touch.

Stay in the loop with the latest Critical Info updates and podcast episodes. 

Join the Critical Info Community and Be rewarded!

Sign up to be one of the first users of the Critical Info Platform when it’s released in April 2025 and receive a lifetime 10% discount. Sign up today!

Who should use the Critical Info Platform?

An annual subscription of $99 inc GST provides you with year around access to the Critical Info Platform, which is a simple system that guides you through the process of compiling your important documents in a printed format to store in your home safely. This allows your loved ones to use these documents when they become critical, such as an accident, hospital visit, or death.

What devices will be able to access the Critical Info Platform & will I need an internet connection?

All devices that have a web browser installed such as Google, Safari, Internet Explorer will be able to access the Critical Info Platform as it is a secure cloud-based web application/platform. You will need to be connected to the internet, have a valid email address and mobile number.

When I get the Critical Info Platform, what’s the best way to get my Critical information organised?

This simple system will help you get your paperwork sorted for when your information becomes critical.

You will start on Day 1 questionnaire and move forward in chronological order. 

To make it a little easier for you, we have grouped each day’s questions into topics as outlined below:

Day 1: About Me

Day 2: Health

Day 3: Heritage, Gender, Sexuality & Spirituality 

Day 4: Important documents

Day 5: My Pets

Day 6: Social

Day 7: Employment

Day 8: My Business

Day 9: Education

Day 10: Finances

Day 11: Assets

Day 12: Professional Services & Suppliers

Day 13: My Digital Life

Day 14: My End-of-life Ceremony & My Secrets

Day 15: Key Contacts

Please note that you must complete the questionnaire sequentially; that is, day 3 can only be clicked when days 1 and 2 are completed.

We do not want you to upload your data or documents. So, you will need to think about where you will collect and store your physical files. For best practices on storing physical documents in your home, you may want to keep these items safe from people you don't want to access your personal information and any emergencies, like fires or floods. Consider general advice such as using fire/flood-safe, lockable filing cabinets, safes, or secure storage areas.

 At the end of the 15 days, your answers will be transcribed and given back to you in the form of a PDF. You will have:

  • A concise list of all your personal information.
  • A To-Do List of what documents you still need to collect.
  • Nominated two Key Contacts so that you can advise where your personal information is. So, in an emergency, they can access your critical information.
  • Access to Step-by-step Guides so you can complete any outstanding tasks.

However, you can turn off the daily emails at any time in your account profile and do it at your own pace.

What documents do I need to upload?

Your privacy is paramount.

We ask you to gather your Critical Info and store it in one place.

We do not want you to upload your sensitive information such as bank account details or your tax file number.

We guide you through the process of what documents your loved ones will need and then we document where you have physically stored that information for your Key Contacts when they need it.

We do not want you to upload your data or documents. So, you will need to think about where you will collect and store your physical files. For best practices on storing physical documents in your home, you may want to keep these items safe from people you don't want to access your personal information and any emergencies, like fires or floods. Consider general advice such as using fire/flood-safe, lockable filing cabinets, safes, or secure storage areas.

However, the personal information you do share with us is securely stored in Australian Data Centres with the highest Australian standards in data privacy and information management security. Sign up for early access and receive a 10% lifetime discount.

How does Critical Info secure my data?

The personal information you do share with us is securely stored in Australian Data Centres with the highest Australian standards in data privacy and information management security. Sign up for early access and receive a 10% lifetime discount.

When using the Critical Info Platform, do I need a paid membership to view content shared with me as a Key Contact?

No you will have full access to the information the account holder provided you access with on their account creation. You will just need to verify your contact details.

How do I get in contact with Critical Info?

You can email us at contactus@criticalinfo.com.au. Alternatively, you can call our Founder & CEO, Catherine Ashton, on 0419 883 443. If the call goes through to voicemail, please leave a message and she will return your call. Thank you

I would like my organisation to be listed under the Support section?

You can email us at contactus@criticalinfo.com.au. Alternatively, you can call our Founder & CEO, Catherine Ashton, on 0419 883 443. If the call goes through to voicemail, please leave a message and she will return your call. Thank you

Do I have to complete each of the 15 days ?

Yes, you do, but you can do it at your own pace if you like, as you can turn off the daily emails at any time in your account profile.

We are providing you with a simple system to help you get your paperwork sorted for when your information becomes critical.

You will start on Day 1 questionnaire and move forward in chronological order. 

To make it a little easier for you, we have grouped each day’s questions into topics as outlined below:

Day 1: About Me

Day 2: Health

Day 3: Heritage, Gender, Sexuality & Spirituality 

Day 4: Important documents

Day 5: My Pets

Day 6: Social

Day 7: Employment

Day 8: My Business

Day 9: Education

Day 10: Finances

Day 11: Assets

Day 12: Professional Services & Suppliers

Day 13: My Digital Life

Day 14: My End-of-life Ceremony & My Secrets

Day 15: Key Contacts

Please note that you must complete the questionnaire sequentially; that is, day 3 can only be clicked when days 1 and 2 are completed.

We do not want you to upload your data or documents. So, you will need to think about where you will collect and store your physical files. For best practices on storing physical documents in your home, you may want to keep these items safe from people you don't want to access your personal information and any emergencies, like fires or floods. Consider general advice such as using fire/flood-safe, lockable filing cabinets, safes, or secure storage areas.

 At the end of the 15 days, your answers will be transcribed and given back to you in the form of a PDF. You will have:

  • A concise list of all your personal information.
  • A To-Do List of what documents you still need to collect.
  • Nominated two Key Contacts so that you can advise where your personal information is. So, in an emergency, they can access your critical information.
  • Access to Step-by-step Guides so you can complete any outstanding tasks.

However, as mentioned, you can turn off the daily emails at any time in your account profile and do it at your own pace.

I have more questions

We may have answered them in this list of FAQ's.

If not, please feel free to email your question to us using the Contact Us form on the website.