When is the Critical Info 10:15Sorted! platform going to be available?

The Critical Info cloud based web app is currently under development and is due to launch in early 2025. Keep in touch.
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Who should use the Critical Info 10:15Sorted! platform?

Everyone who wants to document their Critical Info to be shared with First Responders and chosen Key Contacts in the event of an emergency or their death.
What devices will be able to access the Critical Info 10:15Sorted! platform & will I need an internet connection?

All devices that have a web browser installed such as Google, Safari, Internet Explorer will be able to access the Critical Info 10:15Sorted! platform as it is a secure cloud-based web application/platform. You will need to be connected to the internet.
When I get the Critical info 10:15Sorted! platform, what’s the best way to get my Critical information organised?

The Critical Info 10:15Sorted! platform is divided into different sections for different parts of your life; About me, Key Contacts, My Pets, In an Emergency, Health, Social, Employment, Finances, Assets, Education, Professional Services, Suppliers, My Digital Life, End-of-life Ceremony, My Business, My Documents, My Secrets, My Messages and My Eulogy. Complete each section at a time. Start with About Me and In an Emergency where you nominate your Key contacts and then move through to My Pets and so on. The database automatically saves your progress and creates a To Do list for you so you know what documents you will need to find and collate and put in a safe place. However, if you find the process overwhelming, you can always use our Critical Info Concierge service to assist you.
Where will my data be stored?

All data will be stored on data servers within Australia
How does Critical Info secure my data?

The personal information you do share with us is securely stored on Australian data servers with the highest Australian standards in data privacy and information management security.
When using the Critical info 10:15Sorted! platform, do I need a paid membership to view content shared with me as a Key Contact?

No you will have full access to the information the account holder provided you access with on their account creation. You will just need to verify your contact details.
How do I get in contact with Critical Info?

You can email us at contactus@criticalinfo.com.au or call Catherine Ashton on 0419 883 443. If it goes through to voicemail, please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you
I would like my organisation to be listed under the Support section?

You can email us at contactus@criticalinfo.com.au or call Catherine Ashton on 0419 883 443. If it goes through to voicemail, please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you