WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following website may contain images and voices of deceased persons.

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Currently under development, the Critical Info cloud-based web application will take the stress and uncertainty out of estate management and end-of-life ceremonies by allowing people to securely take control of their estate, be actively involved in their own memorial and decide the future of their legacy.

Your Life. Your Wishes. You Legacy.


Your Life

Securely store your account details and upload personal documents. Nominate your key emergency contacts and decide when they have access.


Your Wishes

Funeral requests, cultural traditions, religious ceremonies or spiritual rituals – effortlessly plan and communicate your end-of-life preferences, ensuring your final wishes are honoured.


Your Legacy

Eliminate any confusion and minimise stress by clearly documenting what you have to leave behind and how you’d like to be remembered.

Life planning
Data & document management
Secure sharing & permissions

Your end-of-life wishes in one place

Do you have a plan for your pets and social media accounts when you die? Do you wish to upload a video or handwritten note for your loved ones to view when you die? From important documents to end-of-life requests, store everything in one place with your Critical Info account.

Sign up for early access and receive a 10% lifetime discount.

Upload as much or as little information as you choose.


Document wishes, photos and rituals for your End-of-life ceremony.


We offer a national concierge service to help you or your loved ones complete your account profile.


Upload handwritten messages, videos or audio to be shared with your loved ones.


Create your own eulogy.

Take a sneak peek

at the platform we are developing.

Watch a video

of the platform we are developing.

Join the Critical Info Community
and be Rewarded!

Sign up to be one of the first users of our Critical Info Platform when it’s released in early 2025 and receive a lifetime 10% discount.

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